Vega Brothers: Is Vincent Vega the brother of Vic Vega (Mr. Blonde) from Reservoir Dogs?

[Script scritto da un fan] e la domanda!

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  1. ClaudioCordova

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    Grazie ragazzi, avremo tempo e modo di parlare e conoscerci meglio.
  2. marsellus wallace

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    claudio nel jack rabbit slim in evidenza c'e' il topic con tutti gli indirizzi msn nostri, aggiungi pure il tuo...
  3. pitfall

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    bellissimo ottimo,pulp puro
  4. serpeinculo

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    Is Vincent Vega the brother of Vic Vega (Mr. Blonde) from Reservoir Dogs?



    As you've probably noticed, it's not at all unusual for Quentin Tarantino to have various characters, events, places, names, and stories from his films be intertwined. According to Tarantino, this is precisely what's going on with the Vic and Vincent Vega situation -- they are indeed meant to be brothers.

    In fact at one point Quentin Tarantino had even planned on making a film about these two characters entitled The Vega Brothers. Unfortunately though, the plans for the film fell through over the years and it's now very unlikely to ever be made. This is because the film would have to be a prequel to both Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs (for obvious reasons) and the actors are now well past the age of playing someone younger than they were almost 20 years ago.

18 replies since 25/7/2006, 19:28   858 views